QSL und Reports

Mail von G3JKV  (25.9.2017)

Thank you for the HB9HB beacon. It is reliably received here (IO91UF) at all times and I have used it for some years as a reference signal on the 144 MHz band. Quite remarkable for a 10W beacon!!

In the attached screengrab a frequency of 800 Hz corresponds to a real frequency of 144 448 190 Hz. The actual frequency of HB9HB drifts slightly from day to night by about 20 Hz presumably due to a temperature shift in the room it is in.

My equipment is an ICOM 9100 fed by a 14-el Yagi at 10m height above ground.  I am at 150m altitude with a clear outlook towards HB9HB.

















My frequency reference is an atomic (caesium) standard that I believe is accurate to better than 1 Hz. HB9HB drifts from 144 448 170 to 144 448 190 every 24 hours.  Not bad!!!!